You are who you are. lesbian or gay. and equal. and proud.
Pride 2000
The organisation

Pride constitution
5. Principles

The Pride Committee and all elected members on the Committee must aspire to the following principles in pursuing the aims and objectives supra:

5.1 Democracy

The Pride Committee commits itself to democratic principles for the nomination and election of Committee members. This includes any sub-committees set up including through the Community Outreach Project.

5.2 Non discrimination

The Pride Committee must not unfairly discriminate in terms of membership, or treatment on the basis of race, colour, religion, culture, gender, national origin, age, sexual and gender orientation, financial standing, handicapping (disabilities) and health conditions.

5.3 Access

The Pride Committee shall strive to ensure equal access to all events and functions to all members of the LGBT community by creating policies to ensure access.

5.4 Inclusivity and representivity

The Pride Committee shall strive to ensure that the Committee and all Pride events are representative and inclusive of the entire LGBT community.

5.5 Community based

The Pride Committee shall be a community-based organisation and strives to work with and include the entire LGBT community in organising and running Pride events.

5.6 Accountability

The Pride Committee is accountable to the community it serves. In order to ensure this the Committee must set up an infrastructure in which to work to ensure the Committee maintains the minimum standards of best-practice accounting and democratic principles.

5.7 Transparency

The Pride Committee serves the community from which its members are elected. All procedures and policies must be available in documented form, at reasonable notice. Financial records must be available on request, at reasonable notice.

5.8 Self-sustainability

The Pride Committee will actively seek partnerships within the community with which to set up joint projects aimed at raising funds for the event. Such partnerships shall include human rights groups, businesses and organisations.

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