You are who you are. lesbian or gay. and equal. and proud.
Pride 2000
The organisation

Pride constitution
Remuneration for Committee Members

  1. Pride is a non-profit and community based organisation. Members of the committee shall not be entitled to dividends or a share of profits from pride events.

  2. Pride is a non-profit and community based organisation. Members of the committee shall not be entitled to dividends or a share of profits from pride events.

  3. Where cost are incurred the following shall occur:

    Committee members shall produce cash slips or invoices for costs incurred.

    Committee members shall complete requisition forms for the said amount and the treasure shall write out a cheque for the amount to be signed by the signatories.

    Where committee members are using their own resources such as cell phones and telephones said members shall require to produce an itemised billing to claim from Pride.

  4. Pride shall supply volunteers with free entrance into the Mardi Gras in appreciation of their efforts.

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